Eye Tattoos

The "Eye of Horus" also known as the "Udjat" or "Eye of Ra" is one of the most popular Egyptian tattoos that are being shown today. It not only looks great, but also has many different meanings and symbology.

The eye of Horus is represented in 7 different hieroglyphs and means, "to make" or "one who does" and in Egyptian belief the eye was not really an instrument to see but an agent of action, protection and wrath. In fact it was such a symbol of protection that sailors would paint the eye onto their ships to have a safe travel on the seas. As a tattoo it makes sense that this symbol should provide you with protection and strength. It is actually present on the American dollar bill as a sign of strength.

This Egyptian eye was also a measurement system where the eye was actually divided into six pieces with a different measurement.

1/2 was represented by smell.

1/4 was represented by sight.

1/8 was represented by thought.

1/16 was represented by hearing.

1/32 was represented by taste.

1/64 was represented by touch.

If you wanted to get creative with your tattoo you could look further into these representations.

As you can see the Egyptian eye represents many different things but it is suitable if you want to tattoo a symbol of strength and protection, there is definitely potential for a lot of small talk if someone is to ask you why you got this particular tattoo.